Author: admin

Blog | October 15, 2013

What To Do About Severe Baldness

Severe baldness is defined as Norwood 6 and Norwood 7 on the Hamilton diagnostic illustration. At this point, there are not a lot of options to consider.  However, here are […]

Information | October 15, 2013

What Treatments Are Available for Hair Loss

Ideally hair loss should be addressed as soon as possible. Working with a doctor can be a very effective strategy.  Treatments for baldness will have different effects across individuals. But […]

Blog | July 27, 2013

Hair Restoration For Severe Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition that affects nine out of ten hair loss cases.  Some people have more severe manifestations of this condition than others. Therefore, there are […]

About BHT | July 27, 2013

How FUE With Body Hair Works

Body hair transplant procedures are basically a newer variation of Follicular Unit Extraction procedures.  The main difference between this type of surgery and the more basic form of FUE transplant […]

Blog | July 27, 2013

FUE and The Extraction of Body Hair Follicles

A body hair transplant procedure is based on fundamental practices in Follicular Unit Extraction.  FUE is a method for harvesting donor hair follicles using small punches.  Because of this, it […]