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Hair Restoration For Severe Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition that affects nine out of ten hair loss cases.  Some people have more severe manifestations of this condition than others.

Therefore, there are many individuals who would not be able to experience the full benefits of a hair transplant procedure because they have limited quantities of donor grafts on the head.

The Severely Bald

Those who are severely bald are considered to be a Norwood 6 or 7.  The hair loss signs of genetically induced baldness have reached an advanced state with only a small border of hair left on the lower margins of their head.

Hair Repair Patients

These are individuals who have tried multiple times in vain to reverse signs of their hair loss.  And in doing so, they have depleted the supply of donor hair follicles on their head.

Both types of patients can benefit from treatment at a  hair transplant clinic that uses body follicles.




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